You want to write a book, but haven’t gotten too far?

Sad I haven’t written my book yet
If that’s you, this is for you!
If that’s not you, maybe you know someone who does want to write a book.
If so, would you be so kind as to send this to them, if you think they’d like what I have to say?
Thank you! Because… for you who DO want to get their book out there…
I’m starting a new series of workshops.
Yes, I’ve been off-scene for a while. I’ve been jamming learning new apps, doing crap-tons of writing, coaching other authors, and ghost-writing.
Suddenly last week… The Universe gave me a major kick in the butt and said, you need to start teaching your people how to write and publish their books easily and rapidly, NOW!
So. I said, yes ma’am, here I go! This will be fun! So here’s the scoop.
Listen up if you want to get going on your book!
Maybe you don’t know this, but I have been coaching authors since the early 2000s.
First with writing little Kindle books, then with ebooks and print books, published on Amazon.
As well as helping many other authors get their books published, I have published over 50 of my own books on amazon and other platforms.
I work with you to bring your ideas and information from illegible scrawled notes into final beautiful published book form.
NOTE: I specialize in helping non-fiction authors.
If you are a fiction author, the info I share will help you, but will not be as specific to your genre as non-fiction.
If you’re a non-fiction author, and ready to jump up out of your fears, doubts, delays and hesitations…
Please come join me in a FREE Q&A zoom meeting just for you!
You can ask Qs, and let me know what you need and want so you can get your book finished and published.
I want to know:
• why you want to write your book
• what kind of book you want to write and be known for
• who you are writing to (even if you don’t know yet who that is)
• what you want your readers to get from your book
• where you are in your book-writing progress
• where you might need a hand getting over a little bump
We will also go over the pros and cons of self-publishing; as well as book design and cover details, and publishing on amazon and other platforms.
After the Q&A…
Now that I will magically know Everything About You! – hahahaaarrrr! – I will create the series tailored just for you!
These will be workshops that will guide you through the writing process step by little step, so you can fly though painlessly and joyfully as you serve your readers with your information and skills.
Each workshop will be on a specific element needed to write your book easily and quickly.
And now – uh-oh!
I see self-doubt rearing its slippery head!
I hear you say:

People might criticize or make fun of me!
1. I don’t know where to start!
That’s OK – I’ll show you. You’ll be surprised.
2. I don’t know who my readers are! Where is my audience?
I’ll show you the ways to find them and write what appeals to them.
Even if you don’t know what that is, right now.
3. I’m afraid of being visible!
So you want to go through the rest of your life all crumpled up and shivering in a corner, afraid someone might yell or laugh at or criticize you? And then die without all the folks who are waiting for your particular knowledge having access to it?
No? I didn’t think so. You have more courage than that. Right?
(And what will ‘they’ do to you, anyway – take away your birthday? Oooooh, hard! Nope. No one does that. No worries – we’ll tap that one away.)
I know, I have no mercy. You either decide to write or throw all your notes away. It’s Time to write.

Will anyone want my book?
Please do us all the honor of sharing what you know with us – scroll down right now and register for the freebie Q&A.
4. Who the heck wants to read what I’d write?
See number 2.
5. I don’t have the time!
Well, might as well delete this note, then.
Oh! No? Then let me show you how to make time, and set up new habits that can help you get your book written and published faster than you ever thought possible.
6. Even if I did write one, I hate selling and marketing!
Yah, well, who doesn’t! What if I could show you a different way of getting your book out there that’s fun and even a pleasure for you?
Yes, I know, you have more questions and yeah-buts. Yup. That’s why the Q&A!

Yes! Gonna write my book!
How about you come to the casual freebie zoom meetup where we take a look at what you have in mind to do?
And how about if we neutralized these terrible fears and frustrations that seem like life-threatening, doomsday obstructions?
What if you could see what you could do with the energy released from that!
We’ll talk a little and tap a little, and you’ll walk away feeling better and maybe even lighter and happier – and ready to write! Finally!!
What if you started to let yourself feel totally passionate about making your unique skill set, systems, knowledge and wisdom available to the people who need it more?
I invite you to join me on
6 PM E (NY time)
to 7 PM (or later)
Between now and then, here’s what to do:
• gather all the scraps of paper and notebooks you’ve made notes in for your book over the years
• collect your files, images, etc. into one folder, and name it MY BOOK (yes, this will change later!)
• have something to take notes with
• make sure you’re in a comfy space
• bring water/coffee/drink and a snackeroo
and show up a wee bit early because I start on time.
YES, there will be a recording, but ONLY for those who register.
ANNNND … I don’t dither with waiting for people to show up.
I don’t do the where-are-you-from stuff.
Those are time wasters and stalling tactics.
We have too much to do to fill minutes with fluff!
After we do the Q&A bit, I will show you the secret to getting your book written easily and rapidly.
You’ll be so excited to see how simple it is that you’ll wonder why no one ever showed you this before.
Come join me on
6 PM E (NY time)
to 7 PM (or later)
When you have registered, you will get an email with a link to the thank-you page. You will also be directed to the thank you page.
So go slow, and allow the system to do its work for you.
I will email you with a couple reminders prior to the meeting, as well.
Good. Now:
Stop reading, and go set up your writing space. Right now!