How do you sequence the events in your stories to make them not-boring?
You don’t do a 1-2-3 chronological telling.
We don’t live chronologically, despite all appearances. We live experience by experience.
So when you write, ask yourself: what sequence of events will convey the feeling and the outcome I intend?
My story about the birth of my son could have been pain-pain-pain-pain-birth-joy. Boring.
I wanted to convey joy, despite the seemingly unending events and decisions made without my approval or choice. Snow. Cold. Nasty nurses. Shots. Cuts. Ending? Joy.
I wanted my reader to feel the tension of the experience to be placed first, so I chose what, to me at that time, was the most harrowing event.
Then, scenario after scenario, I took you through this-pain, that-pain, until a sharp shift to totally different location and scene.
This way, your attention is held all the way through what could have been a boring-ho-hum one-more-birth story.
By introducing the rude doctor first, it plopped tension to the mix right away.
See how you can do that in your own next story.
READ the Snow Birth story HERE.
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© Angela Treat Lyon 2022
text © Angela Treat Lyon 2023
My Inside Secrets books: atlyon.gumroad.com